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Our colors are one of our most identifiable assets. Our customers and employees are familiar with NYCM Orange and it stands out from

its surroundings. 

Primary Colors

The primary color palette should be used in the design of most corporate pieces, such as promotional materials and electronic media. These colors should also be used when applying the NYCM Insurance signature to stationary, signs, and forms. 

"NYCM Orange"

Pantone 166

Hex: #E05206

RGB: 224, 82, 6

CMYK: 1, 74, 100, 0

"NYCM Gray"

Pantone 431

Hex: #5E6A71

RGB: 94,106,113

CMYK: 45,27,17,51

Secondary Colors

The secondary colors were chosen to allow the designer more flexibility in creating pieces of communication. However, they should be used in moderation so as not to subvert the primary corporate color. 

Pantone 143 C

Hex: #F2B143

RGB: 242, 177, 67

CMYK: 4, 33, 85, 0

Pantone 7499 C

Hex: #FCF8CC

RGB: 252, 248, 204

CMYK: 2, 0, 25, 0

Pantone 7689 C

Hex: #2C99C9

RGB: 44, 153,  201

CMYK: 75, 25, 7, 0

Pantone 317 C

Hex: #AFE2E3

RGB: 175, 226, 227

CMYK: 30, 0, 12, 0

Pantone 7463 C

Hex: #022B42

RGB: 2, 43, 66

CMYK: 99, 77, 48, 50

Tertiary Colors

The tertiary colors were chosen to allow the designer more flexibility in creating pieces of communication. The tertiary colors are intended for accent only. 

Pantone 7620 C

Hex: #C33127

RGB: 195, 49, 39

CMYK: 16, 95, 100, 6

Pantone 556 C

Hex: #6EA26D

RGB: 110, 162, 109

CMYK: 61, 18, 71, 2


The NYCM Orange gradient is considered our primary gradient. It can be used as a background for header images, social media posts, or social favicon backgrounds. 

Group 493.png

Pantone 166

Hex: #E05206

RGB: 224, 82, 6

CMYK: 1, 74, 100, 0

Pantone 143 C

Hex: #F2B143

RGB: 242, 177, 67

CMYK: 4, 33, 85, 0

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